During this workshop (45-120 minutes) the myth of multitasking is revealed.
Research has shown that multitasking does not exist. What we have thought of as multitasking is in fact still switching from task to task, we call this switchtasking.
Switchtasking involves 'switch- costs'. Read more about switchtasking at the page 'background'.
Workshop 'Multitasking is a myth': with humor and style Wouter Hesseling explains the price we pay for switchtasking. Within minutes even the most sceptic observer is wanting to hear more.
The program begins with a few interactive experiences, followed by a short and powerful show featuring more than 10 spinning plates.
After this the participants get to experience the same principals first hand.
While balancing fragile plates on metal pins, they need to divert their attention to flip multiple spoons in cups.
This makes them aware of what switchtasking does to them, a skill they can use in their professional and private lives.
What does this workshop bring you?
Go to results.
Large group of people or very little space?
No worries. 'Multitasking is a myth' can be performed as 'interactive keynote' as well.
Sometimes, as is well known, it is not possible to do the 'live' version of 'multitasking is a myth'. That is why I have developed a special online version (webinar).
I work with 2 HD cameras and a professional sound system.
I also created a kind of mini-studio so that I can also do a bit of board act and the participants still get a theater experience. The participants also do various exercises with material that everyone has at home. It is an interactive but also 'active' workshop.
We hung on Wouter's every word, he is really good at 'digital captivating' (most workshop leaders do not understand that art).
B. Enzler ,Municipality of Amsterdam
'Wouter is able, also digitally, to captivate, activate and entertain workshop participants. In the meantime you also learn something 😊'
Louise Beernink, Principal Houtkamp College